Kevin & Rebekah

October 19, 2025 • Birmingham, AL, USA
219 Days To Go!

Kevin & Rebekah

October 19, 2025 • Birmingham, AL, USA
219 Days To Go!

Our Story

As part of our second date, we visited the bowling alley in Prattville. We both were super nervous since we still didn't know what the future held for us, but things were still casual. I remember talking to Kevin about our favorite authors (mostly Brandon Sanderson and his novel Warbreaker) and then later wiping the floor with him for three games. :) ~ R

February 04, 2024

As part of our second date, we visited the bowling alley in Prattville. We both were super nervous since we still didn't know what the future held for us, but things were still casual. I remember talking to Kevin about our favorite authors (mostly Brandon Sanderson and his novel Warbreaker) and then later wiping the floor with him for three games. :) ~ R
We were finally starting to get comfortable with each other at this point. We had learned that we shared a love of The Simpsons in common while sitting on a bench outside the capitol building of Montgomery. While walking home, a homeless guy accosted us which prompted Bekah to hold my hand for the first time. The fun we had that day finally convinced me that there was more to this friendship. ~ K

March 24, 2024

We were finally starting to get comfortable with each other at this point. We had learned that we shared a love of The Simpsons in common while sitting on a bench outside the capitol building of Montgomery. While walking home, a homeless guy accosted us which prompted Bekah to hold my hand for the first time. The fun we had that day finally convinced me that there was more to this friendship. ~ K
I remember this being a fun Sunday of us going out and exploring the heart of Downtown Montgomery. Here is us in front of the First White House of the Confederacy after we stopped by the Capitol Building. In front of this historic house of Alabama's sacred past, Kevin asked me to give him my best impression of a "rebel yell" which sent us both into a fit of laughter. It was at this moment that I realized I found someone who was not only becoming my best friend, but a person that I could see myself forming a happy future with that I never thought I would have. ~ R

March 24, 2024

I remember this being a fun Sunday of us going out and exploring the heart of Downtown Montgomery. Here is us in front of the First White House of the Confederacy after we stopped by the Capitol Building. In front of this historic house of Alabama's sacred past, Kevin asked me to give him my best impression of a "rebel yell" which sent us both into a fit of laughter. It was at this moment that I realized I found someone who was not only becoming my best friend, but a person that I could see myself forming a happy future with that I never thought I would have. ~ R
On this day, we were in the mood to get some sunshine. Bekah had told me about a "Drive-In" safari zoo, so it seemed like a perfect fit. A camel ate our entire stock of 25 dollars worth of bucket feed right off the bat, so we felt that the next hungry animal would attack us for not having any treats. Soon after, a zebra almost kicked my rear-view mirror off, so we decided to make a tactical retreat. We still laugh about this to this day, and we remember back to how each other's presence calmed us down. I felt I had made a true adventure partner that day. ~ K

April 13, 2024

On this day, we were in the mood to get some sunshine. Bekah had told me about a "Drive-In" safari zoo, so it seemed like a perfect fit. A camel ate our entire stock of 25 dollars worth of bucket feed right off the bat, so we felt that the next hungry animal would attack us for not having any treats. Soon after, a zebra almost kicked my rear-view mirror off, so we decided to make a tactical retreat. We still laugh about this to this day, and we remember back to how each other's presence calmed us down. I felt I had made a true adventure partner that day. ~ K
Here we still are at the Alabama Safari Park feeding the giraffes and enjoying each other's company after we finished driving around the grounds and feeding the variety of animals. I realized the more time I spent with Kevin, the more I began to form these small special moments where I've laughed more than I have in a very long time. I'll always look back on times like these with admiration for your smile and the joyful silliness you've brought into my life. ~ R

April 13, 2024

Here we still are at the Alabama Safari Park feeding the giraffes and enjoying each other's company after we finished driving around the grounds and feeding the variety of animals. I realized the more time I spent with Kevin, the more I began to form these small special moments where I've laughed more than I have in a very long time. I'll always look back on times like these with admiration for your smile and the joyful silliness you've brought into my life. ~ R
Never in a million years would I have thought I would attend a play at an opera house. Bekah convinced me to attend this one ("The Hounds of Baskerville", which my Grandmother had convinced me was the scariest story of all time) at the Shakespearian Festival, where we took this silly picture. We were late, but thankfully got some of the best seats in the house by some miracle. I felt so cultured, I started twirling a handlebar mustache I didn't even have. I had such a good time that day, that I was convinced that this girl was the one that I'd like to tag along with in all future escapades. ~ K

April 20, 2024

Never in a million years would I have thought I would attend a play at an opera house. Bekah convinced me to attend this one ("The Hounds of Baskerville", which my Grandmother had convinced me was the scariest story of all time) at the Shakespearian Festival, where we took this silly picture. We were late, but thankfully got some of the best seats in the house by some miracle. I felt so cultured, I started twirling a handlebar mustache I didn't even have. I had such a good time that day, that I was convinced that this girl was the one that I'd like to tag along with in all future escapades. ~ K
This was one our first baseball games we went to at the Montgomery stadium (home to the Biscuits Minor Baseball League). It was Star Wars night, and I convinced Kevin to dress up with me. (We went as Padme and Obi-Wan Kenobi!) Although we still can't remember who won the game that evening, we had a blast eating Conecuh sausage hotdogs (which are a staple favorite of Kevin's to this day) and playing trivia. I'm definitely looking forward to many more outings like this one with this man who was steadily becoming the love of my life by this point! :) ~ R

April 27, 2024

This was one our first baseball games we went to at the Montgomery stadium (home to the Biscuits Minor Baseball League). It was Star Wars night, and I convinced Kevin to dress up with me. (We went as Padme and Obi-Wan Kenobi!) Although we still can't remember who won the game that evening, we had a blast eating Conecuh sausage hotdogs (which are a staple favorite of Kevin's to this day) and playing trivia. I'm definitely looking forward to many more outings like this one with this man who was steadily becoming the love of my life by this point! :) ~ R
Trimming my beard, I had accidentally knicked a patch, which prompted me to shave the whole lot off (hence the unleashed chins). I felt better once Bekah had told me of her indifference toward my bald face before driving down to FloraBama. We were at that beach with my father thinking of what to do with the day, when Bek told me about a mini-golf/arcade spot downtown that she had found on Google. We were at the 5th hole, when we noticed this sign that convinced us that we in dangerous croc territory. After that, we quickly finished our miniature Tiger Woods PGA Tour, and went go-kart and bumper boat racing and finished the day strong. Nothing could stop us. ~ K

May 12, 2024

Trimming my beard, I had accidentally knicked a patch, which prompted me to shave the whole lot off (hence the unleashed chins). I felt better once Bekah had told me of her indifference toward my bald face before driving down to FloraBama. We were at that beach with my father thinking of what to do with the day, when Bek told me about a mini-golf/arcade spot downtown that she had found on Google. We were at the 5th hole, when we noticed this sign that convinced us that we in dangerous croc territory. After that, we quickly finished our miniature Tiger Woods PGA Tour, and went go-kart and bumper boat racing and finished the day strong. Nothing could stop us. ~ K
During our first weeks of officially dating in March, Kevin revealed to me how much he enjoyed trains as a child. I soon did some research afterwards to find different train museums around Alabama. The result a few weeks later was us traveling to Calera to ride in a observatory train car and looking at historic rail yards. Since then, I've become more invested in the world of locomotives and building our own collection of Lionel train sets. I'm so grateful to the Lord each day for sending me someone who can share his joys and interests with me each day! ~ R

May 25, 2024

During our first weeks of officially dating in March, Kevin revealed to me how much he enjoyed trains as a child. I soon did some research afterwards to find different train museums around Alabama. The result a few weeks later was us traveling to Calera to ride in a observatory train car and looking at historic rail yards. Since then, I've become more invested in the world of locomotives and building our own collection of Lionel train sets. I'm so grateful to the Lord each day for sending me someone who can share his joys and interests with me each day! ~ R
We had both heard about the magical gasoline emporium called Buc-ees and had to stop once we saw one on the way back to Montgomery. Once we left the establishment, loaded up on brisket sandwiches, we took this picture next to the store's outdoor bronze effigy of Mr. Buc-ee himself. Apparently, people take too many pictures touching his teeth (hence the shininess compared to the rest of his body). Yet another day spent with Bekah being even more convinced, I had found a friend to be silly with. Mr. Buc can tell you all about it. ~ K.

July 07, 2024

We had both heard about the magical gasoline emporium called Buc-ees and had to stop once we saw one on the way back to Montgomery. Once we left the establishment, loaded up on brisket sandwiches, we took this picture next to the store's outdoor bronze effigy of Mr. Buc-ee himself. Apparently, people take too many pictures touching his teeth (hence the shininess compared to the rest of his body). Yet another day spent with Bekah being even more convinced, I had found a friend to be silly with. Mr. Buc can tell you all about it. ~ K.
When Kevin first asked me to come with him on a rafting trip with Adventures Unlimited that his co-workers invited him on, I initially had half-a-mind to tell him "No!" Luckily, I took a chance and had a great time traveling with him up from Montgomery through Georgia and into Ocoee, TN. The heat of the season did not spare the campgrounds when we arrived, but the water of the Ocoee river the next day gave us plenty of respite. We had a wonderful guide and managed to rescue a few of our fallen comrades from the rapids during our time. Though we cut our trip short later that afternoon due to the brutal summer weather following a nice crawfish boil, it was a great experience paddling through the white waters with what I was now one thousand percent certain to be my future spouse and partner for life that would help me navigate the own unique choppy waters the world would throw at us! ~ R

July 17, 2024

When Kevin first asked me to come with him on a rafting trip with Adventures Unlimited that his co-workers invited him on, I initially had half-a-mind to tell him "No!" Luckily, I took a chance and had a great time traveling with him up from Montgomery through Georgia and into Ocoee, TN. The heat of the season did not spare the campgrounds when we arrived, but the water of the Ocoee river the next day gave us plenty of respite. We had a wonderful guide and managed to rescue a few of our fallen comrades from the rapids during our time. Though we cut our trip short later that afternoon due to the brutal summer weather following a nice crawfish boil, it was a great experience paddling through the white waters with what I was now one thousand percent certain to be my future spouse and partner for life that would help me navigate the own unique choppy waters the world would throw at us! ~ R
I had long lost the faith growing up. Though while imbedded in the drunken shenanigans of Marine Corps life, my friends (Balkan Dual-Citizens who had joined our armed forces) and I would enjoy a few gallons of Carlo Rossi while listening to Orthodox Chants. I would come back to the barracks on occasion, and research all I could on the religious practices of Eastern peoples and spend the day admiring their devotion towards the ancient practices. After being invited to visit the lands of Eastern-Europe by one of those friends, and experiencing the chapels and deep values of the pious, I felt a profound sense of humility. These early contemplative sessions in my life-journey instilled in me an interest in the Orthodox faith that needed kindling. Only until I met Bekah, with her Orthodox priest father, that I was able to channel my curiosities into the truth of the belief system that I had denied to myself for a long time. I'm proud to call myself a "catechumen" (Orthodox Christian in training) that will one day become a full-fledged member of the church. This picture shows the aftermath of my formal enlisting onto the path of Orthodoxy by Archpriest Eugene (my future father-in-law). Praise God. ~ K

August 11, 2024

I had long lost the faith growing up. Though while imbedded in the drunken shenanigans of Marine Corps life, my friends (Balkan Dual-Citizens who had joined our armed forces) and I would enjoy a few gallons of Carlo Rossi while listening to Orthodox Chants. I would come back to the barracks on occasion, and research all I could on the religious practices of Eastern peoples and spend the day admiring their devotion towards the ancient practices. After being invited to visit the lands of Eastern-Europe by one of those friends, and experiencing the chapels and deep values of the pious, I felt a profound sense of humility. These early contemplative sessions in my life-journey instilled in me an interest in the Orthodox faith that needed kindling. Only until I met Bekah, with her Orthodox priest father, that I was able to channel my curiosities into the truth of the belief system that I had denied to myself for a long time. I'm proud to call myself a "catechumen" (Orthodox Christian in training) that will one day become a full-fledged member of the church. This picture shows the aftermath of my formal enlisting onto the path of Orthodoxy by Archpriest Eugene (my future father-in-law). Praise God. ~ K
With a month or so of playing Fortnite mini-games virtually together on the weekdays to conclude long periods at the office, Kevin and I developed a love for escape rooms. Luckily, a real-life setup opened its doors just a few blocks down from Kevin's apartment. While we failed our first attempt to discover the murderer on the Budapest Express, we successfully completed our mission for the Pentagon during the Cuban Crisis, after which we snapped a photo to document our victory. While our many other ventures into Escapology have yet to be as fruitful, I'll always enjoy taking a crack at solving mysteries with my partner in crime! ~ R

August 31, 2024

With a month or so of playing Fortnite mini-games virtually together on the weekdays to conclude long periods at the office, Kevin and I developed a love for escape rooms. Luckily, a real-life setup opened its doors just a few blocks down from Kevin's apartment. While we failed our first attempt to discover the murderer on the Budapest Express, we successfully completed our mission for the Pentagon during the Cuban Crisis, after which we snapped a photo to document our victory. While our many other ventures into Escapology have yet to be as fruitful, I'll always enjoy taking a crack at solving mysteries with my partner in crime! ~ R
It was a very hot day and we needed some respite from the heat. We walked the main drag of Auburn University, desperate for a wateringhole for hours, when we came upon a culinary residence called "1865" staffed by some bright eyed and eager students. Bekah's inherent courteousness that day earned us a free platter of deserts (seen here). I had bought the ring a month before and I had wished I'd had it at that moment, the treats were that good! All kidding aside, I had bought the ring after receiving, what to this day seems like, a lifetime of the utmost tenderness, compassion, patience, empathy, and understanding from a single human being I could ever hope for. Putting up with me is an unenviable task, but she does it somehow. ~ K

September 07, 2024

It was a very hot day and we needed some respite from the heat. We walked the main drag of Auburn University, desperate for a wateringhole for hours, when we came upon a culinary residence called "1865" staffed by some bright eyed and eager students. Bekah's inherent courteousness that day earned us a free platter of deserts (seen here). I had bought the ring a month before and I had wished I'd had it at that moment, the treats were that good! All kidding aside, I had bought the ring after receiving, what to this day seems like, a lifetime of the utmost tenderness, compassion, patience, empathy, and understanding from a single human being I could ever hope for. Putting up with me is an unenviable task, but she does it somehow. ~ K
Though one may expect September to introduce the first stages of a brisk fall season, the same does not hold true for Alabama. That morning, a little past 11 am, we decided to head to Chewacla State Park in Auburn at Kevin's eager insistence. After driving up to the lookout and hiking down to the cold waterfall with another couple and their tiny dog yipping at our heels, we cautiously stepped down over the running stream onto an outcropping of rocks. There, by the shimmering water shrouded by a very thin shade of trees, my attention initially was centered on how I could navigate Kevin toward the other side over the rocks slick with the mist from the waterfall. When I heard him call me from behind my left shoulder, utmost surprise rooted me to that small space where we stood surrounded by the gentle noise of the falls. Kevin's voice, though quiet amongst the soft din of this natural space, spoke of his love for us building our strong relationship since we first met and if I would do the honor of marrying him. In that surreal moment, things finally seemed right for the first time in many years. We lingered for a bit, processing the presence of the other and this very significant moment in our life before the heat became overbearing, and we elected to return to town to rest before heading out again later in the evening when the air was cooler for wine and comforting Italian cuisine. When I look back upon that day, I still try to comprehend how quickly my life and the Lord led me to such a wonderful, amazing, funny, handsome man such as the love of my life. You have my heart forever! :) ~ R

September 21, 2024

Though one may expect September to introduce the first stages of a brisk fall season, the same does not hold true for Alabama. That morning, a little past 11 am, we decided to head to Chewacla State Park in Auburn at Kevin's eager insistence. After driving up to the lookout and hiking down to the cold waterfall with another couple and their tiny dog yipping at our heels, we cautiously stepped down over the running stream onto an outcropping of rocks. There, by the shimmering water shrouded by a very thin shade of trees, my attention initially was centered on how I could navigate Kevin toward the other side over the rocks slick with the mist from the waterfall. When I heard him call me from behind my left shoulder, utmost surprise rooted me to that small space where we stood surrounded by the gentle noise of the falls. Kevin's voice, though quiet amongst the soft din of this natural space, spoke of his love for us building our strong relationship since we first met and if I would do the honor of marrying him. In that surreal moment, things finally seemed right for the first time in many years. We lingered for a bit, processing the presence of the other and this very significant moment in our life before the heat became overbearing, and we elected to return to town to rest before heading out again later in the evening when the air was cooler for wine and comforting Italian cuisine. When I look back upon that day, I still try to comprehend how quickly my life and the Lord led me to such a wonderful, amazing, funny, handsome man such as the love of my life. You have my heart forever! :) ~ R
There is no way I could ever top the post above (Bekah being writer and all), but I'll try to sum up my feelings at this moment. We had always talked about going to Chewacla Park and I felt this place would be the perfect place to pop the sacred question. The humongous blue felt ring box in my pocket made me feel as if I would be discovered at any moment. I was scared that she'd ask me for a hug and accidentally feel the ring box in my pocket the whole time we were walking down to the falls. Thankfully that didn't happen, and I kept my surprise hidden. I asked her to stand in front the rocks, and it happened like a dream. I couldn't tell you what I said, as I was so nervous. However, every sentiment that needed to be said, was said. I put the ring on her finger and after she said yes, I felt I had forever earned a mentor/counselor/teacher at my side. I had recruited a guru to guide me through the  best/worst parts of life by my side forever. I had found happiness. ~ K

September 21, 2024

There is no way I could ever top the post above (Bekah being writer and all), but I'll try to sum up my feelings at this moment. We had always talked about going to Chewacla Park and I felt this place would be the perfect place to pop the sacred question. The humongous blue felt ring box in my pocket made me feel as if I would be discovered at any moment. I was scared that she'd ask me for a hug and accidentally feel the ring box in my pocket the whole time we were walking down to the falls. Thankfully that didn't happen, and I kept my surprise hidden. I asked her to stand in front the rocks, and it happened like a dream. I couldn't tell you what I said, as I was so nervous. However, every sentiment that needed to be said, was said. I put the ring on her finger and after she said yes, I felt I had forever earned a mentor/counselor/teacher at my side. I had recruited a guru to guide me through the best/worst parts of life by my side forever. I had found happiness. ~ K